Again and Again Ch12

Author: 反舌鸟 / Mockingbird

Translator: Kinky ||

Chapter 12

If he had to recall why he fell in love with Yu Ruoyun, there really wasn’t an answer. When people first started dating, they had many fantasies. Once they returned to reality, they just thought the other person was quite nice. It was only after experiencing many people and events that they realized how difficult “quite nice” was in a relationship.

The entertainment industry was full of talents and an astonishing amount of trash. Pure friendships exist, but unfortunately, not for Jiang Yu. He didn’t attend classes properly, rarely went to school, and never stayed in the dorms, so he didn’t form bonds with classmates. He knew many people in his social circle, but it was all about exchanging benefits. There was no free lunch in the world.

He would only admit that Yu Ruoyun was a good person. Because Yu Ruoyun didn’t need to fight or snatch, many things would naturally come to him—international directors, luxury endorsements, front-row seats at fashion shows. Yu Ruoyun might not even want them, politely saying his schedule didn’t allow it. Once, Yu Ruoyun couldn’t help but suggest to a brand that they consider other domestic male stars who also fit the image.

He said it diplomatically, but when Jiang Yu took the endorsement and heard the internal story, he immediately understood who Yu Ruoyun was paving the way for. Jiang Yu went back and had a huge fight with Yu Ruoyun, saying many harsh things. After that, nothing similar happened again.

But what did Yu Ruoyun do wrong? Now Long Xingyu thought, he was actually provoking Yu Ruoyun just to see his reaction.

Now, the young star Long Xingyu was very self-aware. It would be great if Yu Ruoyun gave him resources—endorsements, variety shows, all for him, and preferably this leading role too. He definitely wouldn’t refuse. In the past, Jiang Yu felt like Yu Ruoyun was slapping him in the face, stimulating him so much that he couldn’t sleep at night and constantly threw cigarette butts on the balcony.

But perhaps Yu Ruoyun loved him. Otherwise, how could he act with such emotion? With this assumption, Long Xingyu felt a bit relieved.

Long Xingyu had seen an analogy online: if a man had a million yuan and was willing to give you ten thousand, and another man had only one hundred yuan but was willing to give you all of it, who loved you more?

Everyone in the comments agreed that the latter loved you more.

Yu Ruoyun was the latter. His feelings were only worth a hundred yuan, and he had given it all to Jiang Yu. Two actors with similar types, routes, and even fame, coming out together was a pipe dream. Even if Yu Ruoyun agreed, Jiang Yu wouldn’t. He would think Yu Ruoyun had ulterior motives to ruin him. He had worked so long to climb to this position, not to fall back to the bottom. They couldn’t hold hands in the park, watch a movie together in a theater, argue in a supermarket over what to buy, or even, like Long Xingyu now, have a meal together on set, sneak into Yu Ruoyun’s room to eat a box of sweets. They had no chance to act in the same film. Just thinking about the billing order would make Jiang Yu furious.

In public, the most Yu Ruoyun could do was subtly help Jiang Yu. But Jiang Yu wasn’t the type to be satisfied and moved. He sat on a bicycle, dreaming of a BMW, wanting ten million or a billion. Why didn’t Yu Ruoyun have it? Why wouldn’t he rob a bank if he didn’t?

And if Jiang Yu had a hundred yuan, he would…

He would rob Yu Ruoyun’s money so he would have two hundred yuan.

Yu Ruoyun didn’t move. He sat there and said, “You should go. It’s late.”

He was actually kicking him out.

Long Xingyu didn’t have the strength to resist. Staying longer would be unbearable. At the door, Long Xingyu suddenly asked, “When will you forget him?”

Today, he saw a long post from a fan online, ending with, “We will never forget him.” Thinking of this, he wanted to ask Yu Ruoyun.

“Not the kind of amnesia you have, but where you can remember but choose not to think about it,” Long Xingyu added.

It felt like an eternity before he heard Yu Ruoyun say, “That might be very difficult.”

The door closed. Yu Ruoyun turned off the lights. In the dark room, there was the sweet scent of chocolate and cookies. Yu Ruoyun stood up to rinse his mouth, the taste quickly fading.

Looking in the mirror, Yu Ruoyun remembered Long Xingyu’s question and answered it again, “I won’t forget.”

Memory was one thing; memory fading was another. Jiang Yu would never tell anyone he felt inferior to Yu Ruoyun. No matter the time, place, or person, he would never admit it.

Long Xingyu was lying to him. But it wasn’t just a lie.

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