Access Denied Ch121

Author: 年终 / Nian Zhong

Translator: Kinky ||

Chapter 121: Explosion Accident

“Activate the hibernation chamber?”

“We have negotiated the terms with X City, and there are no issues with the keys.”

“I object. The hibernation chamber has been in operation for nearly a hundred years, and its risks must be thoroughly evaluated. The difference between the original Erosion Swamp and the current Erosion Jellyfish is significant. There are hardly any Erosion Jellyfish on land, and the general population has little tolerance…”

“That’s why we need to activate the hibernation chamber.”

“What do you mean?”

“The chamber contains the preserved Erosion Swamp from that era, which is highly suitable for use as a biological weapon. With the presence of the suppression rifles, there won’t be a repeat of the leakage incidents from the apocalypse era…”

“Furthermore, by releasing the Erosion Swamp onto unprepared target cities and cleaning up the battlefield with suppression rifles, the land can be immediately reclaimed and reused. ‘Biological contamination’ is easier to handle than actual radiation. The situation near N City has been tense recently, and you know the importance of powerful new weapons.”

“There are no dissenters in X City?”

“No. After several generations of intermarriage, the concept of ‘synthetic humans’ is virtually non-existent. X City is our most steadfast ally.”

“Okay. Tang Kuo, you will be in charge of the hibernation chamber. I have a few more proposals over here…”

After the meeting ended, Tang Kuo felt uneasy. Instead of joining his colleagues for lunch, he silently distanced himself from the crowd while his thoughts spun in his mind.

Nearly a hundred years ago, the synthetic human uprising erupted, and leader Zhu Yanchen turned the tide, saving human civilization from the clutches of Sigma. Guided by various forces, the Erosion Swamp migrated to the deeper sea, where they found a more suitable form of existence and gained a more stable means of survival.

They absorbed more water and gradually transformed into the “Erosion Jellyfish”, which had less impact on the environment. Living a comfortable lifestyle, they no longer desired to gather into Erosive Swamps, and the original Erosion Swamps almost disappeared.

…Except for Shu Jun.

The Erosion Swamp within Shu Jun’s body remained unchanged. It hadn’t received the latest information and still possessed strong erosive properties.

In the past, Shu Jun had slept as a “safeguard” for the coexistence of humans and synthetic humans. However, in the present era of integration between the two, Shu Jun’s existence became awkward. If possible, Tang Kuo wished for this warrior to sleep forever.

But he also understood that he alone couldn’t prevent the higher-ups of the United Government from using his brain.

The era of rapid human development was far from over, and the population was exploding. People’s pockets were bulging, and their thoughts went beyond just having enough to eat and sleep. Subtle conflicts began to arise. Some troublemakers, emboldened by their power and influence, started to disobey the governance of the United Government and attempted to “reign” in their own territories.

Honestly, Tang Kuo had no objections to punishing these individuals. However, as a researcher, he disagreed with bringing back the original Erosion Swamp to the human world.

Erosion substance wasn’t a plaything for humans; humans had been destroyed by it once due to their negligence. Who knew if things would go awry this time?

Sighing, Tang Kuo strolled to the Zhu Rong Memorial Hall. He sat there for the entire afternoon, but his mood wasn’t brightened by the warm lighting. Seeing more and more people at the memorial hall, he drooped the corners of his mouth and drove to the outskirts cemetery.

He needed a quiet environment to sort out his thoughts.

Dark clouds filled the sky, and it wasn’t even six o’clock yet, but the surroundings were as black as the dead of night. The cemetery deep in the distance was cold and silent—buried here were people who had passed away decades ago, and hardly anyone came to mourn.

Tang Kuo found Tang Heyu’s tombstone and sat down in front of it.

“Great-great-great-grandfather… Well, I don’t even know how to address you.” Tang Kuo rubbed the loose soil on the stone pathway with his fingertips while muttering to himself. “Zhu Yanchen, Xia Liang, Ai Zhichun… so many leaders worked hard to restore the city to what it is now. And the result? Haa, I can accept doing medical research, but creating new weapons is a bit…”

“You people of your generation suffered greatly because of the Erosion Swamp. If you knew what we were planning, you’d probably jump out of your graves in anger.”

“What if Shu Jun wakes up…”

Tang Kuo was in the middle of talking to himself when he suddenly stopped. It was already late in the day, and this was an old cemetery of nearly a hundred years. Yet, footsteps could be heard not far away—judging by the sound, there wasn’t just one person approaching.

What in the world?

Driven by the inherent curiosity of a researcher, Tang Kuo stood up and quietly moved towards the direction of the sound. Two men stood in front of another tombstone, engaged in a hushed conversation.

The two men appeared to be in their thirties, dressed casually yet tastefully, with fabrics that were clearly not cheap. However, if one were to say that they were descendants of a prominent family paying respects to their elders, something felt off—the two visitors were carrying fresh vegetables and meat in their hands, giving off the impression that they had just purchased them. The slightly taller man held a bouquet of white flowers, adding a touch of condolence to the atmosphere.

If it weren’t for being in the depths of a century-old cemetery, the scene before Tang Kuo would resemble children from an ordinary family mourning their parents.

After their conversation concluded, the taller man placed the bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone and said a few more words. From his angle, Tang Kuo could see the man’s face clearly.

He hitched his breath.

That person was quite handsome, with features that were quite similar to Zhu Yanchen. Unlike the iron-fist leader, this person gave off a rather gentle vibe, lacking the cold hardness that kept people at a distance like Zhu Yanchen did.

A member of the Zhu family?

Tang Kuo mentally went through the names of the Zhu family members he knew, and he was certain he hadn’t seen this person before. Just based on the face that resembled Zhu Yanchen’s so much, if he had seen them before, he wouldn’t have forgotten.

Most likely, he was a distant relative of the Zhu family who didn’t touch on political affairs.

With that thought, Tang Kuo lost interest again. He only wanted to focus on his research and had no desire to cozy up to people just because they happened to cross paths. However, as he was about to leave, dark clouds rumbled overhead, and heavy rain poured down.

Tang Kuo cursed under his breath and hurried back to his car. After struggling for a while, he was soaked through, but the car showed no signs of starting.

Researcher Tang was on the verge of rolling his eyes. When a person’s luck turned sour, even drinking cold water became a challenge*—first, he received the task of activating the hibernation chamber, then he came to the cemetery to clear his mind, and in the middle of it all, he was interrupted. Now, as he was about to leave, he encountered heavy rain and a vehicle malfunction.

*Expression referring to when things are going wrong or someone is experiencing a streak of bad luck, even simple and ordinary actions can become problematic or result in additional inconveniences. It basically describes a situation where everything seems to go wrong for someone.

Today was definitely his unlucky day.

Even if he called for help, he would have to wait for an hour or two. Tang Kuo had been preoccupied with the hibernation chamber since noon, unable to focus on anything else. Now he had a rumbling stomach, was shivering in his wet clothes, and wished he could shed a few tears.

Sniffing, Tang Kuo bent down, searching in his car, hoping to find some forgotten food in a corner. However, he couldn’t find any food, but he did hear a series of knocks on the car window.

Realizing he was in an empty cemetery, Tang Kuo’s scalp tingled. He abruptly straightened up, hitting the back of his head on the steering wheel, and his eyes welled up with tears.

Through the wet car window, he could just barely make out the person knocking on the window—it was the same person he had encountered in the cemetery, holding an umbrella and carrying groceries.

That person had gray-white hair, slightly darker skin, and warm brown eyes. They wore a friendly smile, motioning for Tang Kuo to roll down the window.

Rubbing his painful head, Tang Kuo hesitated for a moment. Considering he had no money on him, and the car wouldn’t budge, he ultimately obediently rolled down the car window.

“You seemed quite anxious just now. I took the liberty to check on your car. Sorry about that.” The person’s smile was quite cheerful. “To be honest, your car won’t be fixed anytime soon. Even if you call for a mechanic, they will have to tow it back to the city for repairs.”

Tang Kuo’s face showed a pained numbness.

“You don’t seem to be in good shape either,” the person continued sincerely. “We were just about to leave here. How about you come with us for now? It’s getting late, and you can figure out what to do with this matter tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” Tang Kuo grinned and forced out a smile. “It’s not a big problem. Even if I can’t make it in time, I can spend the night in the car. I—”

Before he could finish his sentence, his stomach let out a thunderous rumble. Tang Kuo awkwardly stopped talking and let out an awkward laugh.

“Our house is by the seaside, in Blackbirds Town.” The man clearly saw through Tang Kuo’s vigilance and lowered his voice. “You look like a researcher from the command center, so you probably have a tracking chip implanted, right? If you’re still worried, you can report our vehicle code to your family.”

At this point, Tang Kuo felt too embarrassed to refuse. He locked his own car and briefly informed his roommate of the situation before getting into the other person’s car.

“I brought him back, A’Yan.” The man left Tang Kuo in the backseat. “Prepare dinner for one more person. Do we have enough ingredients at home?”

The man, who resembled Zhu Yanchen, turned his head and assessed the drenched Tang Kuo. “It’s enough, and we can also add some hot soup.”

“Then I’ll make winter melon and pork rib soup.” The white-haired man happily started naming dishes. “I’ll take care of dessert. What do you want? Carrot bread or chocolate cookies?”

“I want both.”

“Tsk, tsk.”

“By the way, who are you two…?” Tang Kuo coughed awkwardly.

“You can call me Gray Claw.” The white-haired man smiled. “The one driving is my partner, Smoke. Oh, we still have some cookies in the car. Are you hungry? Have some to fill your stomach.”

After saying that, as if afraid that Tang Kuo wouldn’t trust him, he casually broke off half a piece and chewed on it.

Tang Kuo’s nose tingled, and he tried to elegantly nibble on the cookie. The place wasn’t far from Blackbirds Town, and Smoke drove the car swiftly. In less than half an hour, they arrived at their destination.

The two men’s house was close to the sea, and the stormy ocean felt quite oppressive. Tang Kuo cautiously stepped inside while using a towel to dry off his hair. He glanced at the backyard of the house and saw… a small square?

Who would build an empty small square behind their own house? Tang Kuo’s relaxed nerves tensed up again.

“It’s quite strange, isn’t it? It’s for walking the dog,” Gray Claw explained considerately as he noticed Tang Kuo’s gaze. “Our dog is… quite big, so it’s not suitable for walking it outside. We’re afraid it might hurt someone.”

“Oh, I see. Where is it? Can I see it? I quite like dogs.” Tang Kuo swiftly changed into dry clothes and handed back the towel.

“Because you were coming, we had a friend take it away first.” Gray Claw scratched his hair. “Don’t mind it. To be honest, it’s not really cute.”

Tang Kuo: “…” The disdain on Gray Claw’s face was genuine, and Tang Kuo silently sympathized with the dog for a few seconds.

Apart from the peculiar small square in the backyard, the room was filled with a warm and cozy atmosphere. The two men prepared dinner in the kitchen, and the atmosphere was naturally comfortable. Such affection couldn’t be faked. Tang Kuo’s nerves finally relaxed bit by bit, leaving only gratitude.

Today, something good finally happened.

Both of them were skilled cooks, and Tang Kuo mustered up the courage to ask for three more bowls of rice. With his guard down, he began to speak more freely.

“Is it true that they’re opening the hibernation chamber in Y City?” Gray Claw raised an eyebrow. “I heard some rumors about it recently, but I didn’t take them seriously.”

“Seems like they released the news early. They want everyone to know.” Tang Kuo chewed on the carrot bread.

“Yeah, we thought they were just creating hype to intimidate those people around N City,” Smoke said quietly while his expression turned colder. “The current leader is quite audacious.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying!” Tang Kuo finally had an outlet for his grievances. “That’s the original native Erosion Swamp. Who knows what might happen? And not to mention that Shu Jun has been sleeping for so long for the sake of peace, only to be weaponized by the United Government without any consideration for his life? Even if he’s not classified as human, it’s still inappropriate, right?”

Gray Claw’s smile had a hint of significance. “I’m not surprised. It’s not the first time they’ve done something like this.”

Tang Kuo’s expression became bitter. “I hope they can really control it… Since you’ve figured out that I’m a researcher, I won’t lie to you. Although the survival form of the Erosion Swamp has changed, the original Sigma from back then is likely still alive. If something happens on the surface and it develops hostile intentions, there’s a possibility of another catastrophe for humanity.”

Smoke swiftly took the last piece of bread from the plate and broke it in half, giving one half to Gray Claw. “It won’t happen.”

There was a strange sense of certainty in his tone, and Tang Kuo couldn’t help but glance at him again. “How do you know?”

“When Zhu Yanchen proposed this plan, he must have considered the follow-up issues.” Smoke smiled.

“Is it an internal saying within the Zhu family?” Tang Kuo blinked.

Smoke’s smile also became meaningful. “You could say that.”

“Don’t worry.” Gray Claw patted Tang Kuo’s back forcefully. “That generation suffered enough from the Erosion Swamp. Who knows what trump card they’ve hidden in the hibernation chamber?”

After having their fill, Tang Kuo’s body felt comfortable and warm. After pondering for a while, he believed that the words of these two people made a lot of sense. That night, he slept especially relaxed.

The next afternoon, in the presence of all the researchers, the keys of X City and Y City were merged, and the hibernation chamber that had been sealed for a hundred years slowly opened—

And then it exploded.

The explosion wasn’t severe and didn’t harm anyone. After the explosion, people tried to find fragments of the Erosion Swamp but found nothing. Under Tang Kuo’s leadership, the source of the explosion was quickly located and recovered. It was a sophisticated bomb, more like a smoke bomb than a lethal weapon. On the thick metal casing was a short sentence:

[For short-term and high-efficiency suppression. If the situation becomes critical, please escape.]

The age of that bomb was close to a hundred years, indicating that it was placed there before the hibernation chamber was sealed. But Tang Kuo was well aware that the researchers thoroughly inspected the hibernation chamber inside and out countless times back then, and there was absolutely no such dangerous item present, unless…

Unless that thing had been sealed within Shu Jun all along, making it possible to be brought inside.

Frowning at the layered screens, Tang Kuo thought to himself—setting aside the fact that the bomb couldn’t possibly kill a high-level Erosion Swamp like Shu Jun, even if it could, the remaining erosion substance at the scene was too low to be scientifically feasible.

Not to mention designing new weapons, that small amount couldn’t even support the most basic research. Based on the quantity of erosion substance left, the slumbering Shu Jun would only be a mere husk…

Wait, just a husk?

Tang Kuo pulled up all the relevant Erosion Swamp information from back then, and the more he looked, the more shocked he became.

If the Shu Jun sent into the hibernation chamber back then was just a “dummy”, there was no way Zhu Yanchen could have been unaware. They must have planned all this from the beginning. Who could have anticipated that the iron-fist leader would play such a massive joke on the world?

No, without the cooperation of insiders, Zhu Yanchen wouldn’t have been able to accomplish all of this on his own. The subordinates of the two of them back then must have also been aware…

Standing dumbfounded in place, amidst the shock, Tang Kuo felt a profound sense of relief.

Regardless of where Shu Jun was now, dead or alive, he had never harmed humanity. And as a legendary leader, since Zhu Yanchen was capable of considering humanity’s current mindset, he would definitely not allow Shu Jun to act recklessly and jeopardize human development.

With this in mind, it wasn’t so difficult to understand why Zhu Yanchen completely retired and disappeared after his term ended.

Could those two people really…

“Mr. Tang, there’s someone outside who wants to see you. He said he met you yesterday and you left something with him.”

“Oh? Oh, please invite him in quickly.” Tang Kuo shook his head.

“I just saw you on the news.” Gray Claw held up a paper bag, and his face wore a refreshing smile. “The hibernation chamber exploded? Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Thank you for your concern. But I don’t think I forgot anything last night…”

“Carrot bread. You seem to like it.” Gray Claw shook the bag. “We were worried, so we used an excuse to check up on you. As long as you’re fine, that’s good.”

“It’s really unnecessary…” The level of kindness displayed by these two strangers far exceeded Tang Kuo’s imagination, leaving him momentarily caught off guard.

“Take it. It’s not valuable. We’ve also received a lot of help from the Tang family.” Gray Claw stuffed the paper bag into Tang Kuo’s arms. “Now you have nothing to worry about. Rest well.”

Feeling rather embarrassed, Tang Kuo accepted the bag and suddenly realized, “Wait, how did you know that we couldn’t continue our research?”

Gray Claw didn’t say a word; he just slightly turned his head and winked at Tang Kuo.

Those warm brown eyes instantly turned grayish-white, and the pupils narrowed into slits like a wild beast. Tang Kuo broke out in a cold sweat, but when he looked again, those eyes had returned to their normal warm brown color.

“You… Something’s not right. Are you two…”

“Teacher Tang will be very pleased to have a descendant like you.” Gray Claw smiled. “You’re welcome to visit our home more often, Mr. Tang.”

Tang Kuo opened his mouth as countless thoughts threatened to overload his brain. He tightly held onto the bag in his arms, almost squishing the small cake into a pancake.

He had many questions he wanted to ask, many feelings he wanted to express, but the hair-raising sensation left him breathless. After a few minutes of composure, Tang Kuo’s flushed face finally returned to normal.

“I will.” He didn’t ask anything in the end, nor did he say anything.

“I will.” A few seconds later, Tang Kuo repeated it again with a much more sincere tone. “…Thank you.”

The Erosion Swamp weapons had already become nothing but an illusion. Tomorrow, the sun would rise as usual, and everyone’s lives would continue unchanged. As for himself… he only needed to write down the accident-related issues clearly, without adding any useless speculation.

The world today may not be perfect, but it could be considered peaceful and secure.

‘That’s enough,’ he thought. ‘It’s enough.’

The author has something to say:

As usual, a small reminder: I don’t welcome comments from pirated readers who only buy the “Extras” or “Specific Chapters.” Otherwise, I will give random warnings depending on the situation. Writing a long novel in a niche genre is not easy, so if you like it, please support the official version.


Thank you all for your support! This story has come to an end.

It’s my first time writing something this short (?), and to be honest, it feels a bit unfamiliar. I tried a new rhythm and learned a lot of new things! However, I’m not entirely satisfied with the specific effect… In the end, I feel like I wrote too little, so I will continue to explore the rhythm and style that suit me best.

During the writing process, I also realized a lot of issues, and I appreciate your understanding. I will definitely strive to improve XD

The next book, “Sendoff” is already available in the author’s column, a micro-fantasy wuxia~ I’ll start posting within this year!

I’ve also decided on the theme for the fifth book, a crime investigation with a touch of supernatural elements, called “Evil As Humans”. Pre-orders are now available. I’ll probably keep the word count between 500,000 to 1,000,000, releasing two books like this per year (*/ω\*)

Finally, thank you again for supporting the official version! See you in the next book~

Kinky Thoughts:

This marks the end of this novel.

If you enjoyed it, please consider supporting the author by buying the raws. I used Google Chrome with their auto translate and this guide on how to buy novels on jjwxc. Remember, only with your (financial) support can artists continue to produce more great works.

Really, it’s very cheap to support the author with just a couple cents for a chapter.

Once again, thank you everyone for your comments, encouragement, help with my translations, and ko-fi donations. It in part fuels my motivation to release so frequently and try to finish this novel as soon as possible.

Seeing as how Nian Zhong has become my favorite author, I have picked up both projects in the author note. You can check out Sendoff and Evil As Humans by clicking the links or visiting my project page.

With that, I do have one last treat. This is an extra extra from the author’s blog where she writes mini updates for her characters (usually on special holidays). It’s not officially on jjwxc, but I’ve decided to translate it. She usually updates this yearly, so check back each year on those special days for a new update.

<<< || Table of Contents || >>>

One thought on “Access Denied Ch121

  1. “I’ve also decided on the theme for the fifth book, a crime investigation with a touch of supernatural elements, called “Evil As Humans”. Pre-orders are now available. I’ll probably keep the word count between 500,000 to 1,000,000, releasing two books like this per year (*/ω\*)”

    No wonder their couple dynamic was very familiar XD
    Was smart-but-not-so-socially-adept gong X inhuman-strong shou the author’s specialty or do the MC and ML from Evil as Human was some kind of ‘redemption’ the author writes because of how unsatisfied she is with this one? 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

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