Full Server First Kill Ch178

Author: 年终 / Nian Zhong

Translator: Kinky || https://kinkytranslations.com/

Chapter 178: Snow Rescue

Before leaving the Dragon’s Lair, Dorothy made a special appointment to meet with Nol and her group.

Amazon’s project at the Dragon’s Lair had already begun. The players diligently cultivated the mountain peak, turning the desolate, rocky summit into a small town with a rocky theme. It must be said, the players’ abilities were frighteningly strong; by the time Nol climbed the mountain, they had already chiseled the steps into proper shape.

The barren land was filled with flame scale fruit trees, and bushes grew vigorously under the guidance of spellcasters. In addition to common vegetables, some fodder crops had already started to grow. A flock of fat chickens strutted through the vegetable fields, making the mysterious Dragon’s Lair seem not so… erm, mysterious.

Dorothy prepared fresh mint tea for them, along with freshly baked sweet potatoes.

“There’s something I must inform you all about as soon as possible,” she said with a worried look, pushing forward a stack of documents. “This is something Miss Lynn asked me to investigate, and I’ve looked into it.”

“It’s the magic that summoned Nol to the vicinity of the Claw Scar Mountains,” Lynn said quietly. “Remember? ‘Wanted By Fate’ as that old fox said.”

“I remember your job was to interrogate Barto.” Teest, realizing it was serious business, didn’t joke.

“Barto’s head is emptier than a frequent urinator’s bladder,” Lynn scorned. “He only knew it was ‘commissioned by the higher-ups’, and almost nothing else—the magic was also accidentally triggered by his own careless hands. Rather than his side of the story, I’m more concerned about this.”

She snapped her fingers, and a smoky gray eyeball floated in mid-air. It now looked fresh and intact, as if it had just been gouged out of someone’s eye socket.

“I’ve restored the material used for the ‘Seeking Core’. It’s someone’s eye. This eye has seen Nol, without a doubt.”

Nol and Teest exchanged glances, finding the same judgment in each other’s gaze.

The eye of Golden Sword Embilly Alva.

Not long ago, in the Claw Scars Mountains, Golden Sword forcibly joined their team, indeed witnessing “Teesti” and “Noli” dressed as nuns. Golden Sword himself may not have recognized Nol’s disguise, but for black magic with absolute effect, this level of eyewitness was enough.

“The interesting part is here.”

Dorothy curled her knuckles, tapping on the document in front of her. “Officially, it’s ‘goods consigned by a member of Amazon’, but in reality, no one within Amazon ordered such a thing.”

“The recipient of the goods itself was also conveniently blurred. Barto’s job was more like simply bringing it here and activating it.”

“Golden Sword’s Alva Merchant Group~ The Alva Merchant Group that delivered the goods,” Teest sang out. “Isn’t it a bit too obvious?”

“But we have no other choice,” Nol said.

Leading him to the vicinity of the Claw Scar Mountains and manipulating the quest, it was definitely Star Stealer Sol’s doing. “The Alva Merchant Group” was currently their biggest clue and the only clear one.

Dorothy: “That’s all I can confirm. By the way, I’ve already sent out the introduction letter to ‘Mentor’. According to that person’s character, he should visit the Lost Tower.”

Lynn pressed her temples hard. “I’ve got to go tell Uncle Ma and the others…”

“Oh, I think there’s no need to bother.” Dorothy shrugged. “As long as they ensure their own safety, Mentor can enter any place he wishes.”

Nol was still thinking about the Alva Merchant Group. From the beginning, this impressive conglomerate had a very strong presence. Merchants always have the fastest news, and Star Stealer Sol inserting spies among them was quite natural. Now, he was more curious about the current situation of Golden Sword Embilly Alva.

The “Wanted by Fate” was undoubtedly a black magic artifact. Golden Sword’s eye being used as a material for black magic certainly couldn’t be simply restored.

Perhaps finding Golden Sword could provide a faster entry into the matter. On the other hand, Golden Sword himself might be Star Stealer Sol’s spy…

“We’ll return to the Lost Tower,” Nol concluded.

He was actually the one with the most urgent situation, but unfortunately, this matter absolutely couldn’t be rushed.

Dorothy nodded, indicating she understood. “If there’s new information, I’ll contact you through the Dragon’s Lair.”

“You’ll have a nice room in Lost Tower, Perradat.” Nol turned to Lilith. “But until we get Star Stealer Sol’s flesh, Lilith can’t go anywhere. How about that?”

Teest clicked his tongue disapprovingly. Truth be told, Nol also didn’t want Perradat to come into contact with the Lost Tower.

However, since this guy was using Lilith’s body, they couldn’t just leave Lilith herself outside—not to mention the safety issues, Kando, the “Knight of Fate”, once uncooperative, would greatly limit their actions.

Lilith, tilting her head, listened for a while. “She requests clean honey water, fruit juice, or sweet wine, preferably with fresh meat, white bread, and fruits. Also, a single room. The bedding must be clean. Can’t sleep on mud or straw. If you can provide these, She has no objections.”

Nol: “……”

Nol: “No problem.”

How to put this… This was basically the standard living of their neighbors. The last time he went back, the most troublesome neighbors were already developing carbonated drinks and ice cream.

For a second, he even felt a bit of sympathy for Perradat.

Two hours later, he really started feeling sympathy for Perradat.

Lilith—accurately, the Perradat version of blue-eyed Lilith—stood dumbfounded in front of the grand hall of the Lost Tower. She looked at the floor of the grand hall, which could reflect one’s image, and the neighbors coming in and out of the cafeteria, holding food, tears streaming down her face.

This contender for the divine throne cried as soon as she said she would, startling Nol.

“Star Stealer Sol has two religions worshiping him.” Perradat sniffled. “You’ve only just awakened for a bit and… sob… It’s been so long since I’ve enjoyed such prosperity…”

“You’re indeed the most miserable,” Teest empathetically concluded.

“Having food, drink, and a head—these aren’t any superior conditions. Poor guy.” Up to now, there were four False Gods qualified to compete for the divine throne. Nol and himself definitely counted as bound. Looking at Perradat and Star Stearl Sol, indeed, only this “God of Fate” was the most miserable.

“Noli! Teesti!”

Saint Bernard Knight, holding his ball, ran over. The good knight had gained weight, and his fur had become fluffy and clean. He no longer had the smell of armor and sheep but rather the fresh scent of soap.

“Good knight.” Nol petted the head of Saint Bernard, who lowered it. “How are you all adapting?”

“The sheep are producing milk!”

Saint Bernard joyfully said, “The village chief really likes it here, but he just won’t properly admit it. Hehe, everyone loves the sheep milk. Soon we’ll be able to sell cheese and mutton—by the way, these are the freshest apples I’ve ever eaten!”

The Border Collie village chief was old and didn’t like to move much. This good knight had essentially become the representative of the Sheepskin Ball Village. His tail was wagging so fast behind it, it almost left afterimages. “Others are also very good. They’re willing to pet our heads for free, astonishingly.”

He whispered mysteriously, “A while ago, the village chief said, he’s now only in charge of the sheep trade. The surrounding patrol matters can be left to Mr. Rosen.”

This was a complete acceptance of the Lost Tower, Nol thought. Officer Luo, having transmigrated to another world and been promoted to Knight Commander of the dog-headed beastmen, still had a police dog squad upon returning.

Judging by Officer Luo’s wide smile, he clearly loved this job.

As last time he was here, the tower became warmer and livelier, like an endless night market. The neighbors’ spirits were increasingly better; most could smile and greet others.

The excited to tears Lilith—Perradat—or both, were led by Lynn towards the dormitory area. Nol believed Lynn wouldn’t make a mistake in this matter. The Supreme Domination Witch would definitely arrange a very suitable room.

The two tower masters stopped on the second floor.

Teest grabbed a plate of roasted lamb legs, eating attentively.

Nol, propping his chin, quietly watched the happy neighbors, enjoying this brief peace. Thank God, this time, no bothersome voices drilled into Nol’s head.

However, he did encounter one—no, a bothersome creature. From the highest point of the stone sculpture came the flapping of wings. The harpy Granny Meng turned towards Nol, the eyes on that human face protruding high.

“You’ve deceived everyone, but you can’t deceive me. You can’t deceive me, hee hee.” The old lady’s claws left several white marks on the stone sculpture. “Monster, monster, monster.”

Nol watched her somewhat sentimentally. “Maybe.”

People’s acceptance could really be worked out. Facing this mentally abnormal elderly woman, Nol wasn’t only unafraid but even felt that the old woman made some sense. He was certain that, no matter what, Granny Meng wasn’t crazier than himself.

Teest was choked by his calmness, unsure whether to be surprised or to laugh.

“Miss, do you remember anything else?” Nol continued to ask good-naturedly, in a very humble tone. “Aside from me peeping at you, me not installing curtains, me killing everyone, is there anything else? Anything is fine.”

Granny Meng was startled by his honesty for a half second, her face turning from ninety degrees left to ninety degrees right.

After a long look that yielded no results, she muttered a few words, then raised her voice again. “You never come downstairs. You don’t take out the trash! You’ve filled up your room, always pressing against the glass. Your house is too small! Too small!”

“Such big eyes, sliding against the glass, all slippery and dirty!”

“Oh, you know.” Teest swallowed the meat in his mouth. “At this point, I suddenly feel her description might actually be true, at least to some extent. I mean, aside from the ‘dirty’ part.”

His Nol might have been many things, but the possibility that “Nol is a regular, law-abiding person” was definitely not one of them.

Nol just quietly listened.

His knowledge seal was still in slumber, but Granny Meng’s description no longer gave him that eerie sense of discord, but rather seemed quite natural, as if things should be that way.

He wasn’t only unafraid but actually felt reassured.

“Do you remember when I moved in? I seem to stand out.” After the old lady finished muttering, the good neighbor Nol continued to inquire.

“I don’t remember.”

Granny Meng’s voice was hoarse, revealing a somewhat low mood. “Suddenly there was. Suddenly there was. I say it’s not right, but no one listens… No one listens. My daughter even wants to send me to the hospital…”

At this point, her tone became harsh again. “This time there’s a policeman. They’ll take you away! Hee hee.”

“Do you really not remember?” Nol asked gently. “I’m so big, I definitely couldn’t take the elevator, and climbing stairs would be very difficult. You’re always downstairs. You must have seen something.”

For the first time, Granny Meng looked doubtful—no outsider had ever talked to her so smoothly. Perhaps they should go to the hospital together. This thought popped into her muddled mind.

But having someone talk to her for so long, even if it was a monster, moved her a little.

“The situation of ‘Xu Yue’ moving in. ‘Xu Yue’ moving in…”

“Star, no.” She pondered. “At night, the stars above are missing a large piece… Something’s blocking. You’re blocking?”

Nol was so composed that she spoke uncertainly, even forgetting to cackle.

“Not all bad things are done by me.” Nol’s smile remained. “Anyway, thank you for your help.”

With that, he took some of Teest’s untouched lamb and shared it with the elderly woman on a magical plate.

After all this, Nol returned to his posture of propping his chin, gazing down at the happy neighbors.

“You seem very calm.” Teest clicked his tongue in disbelief, even forgetting his lamb that was shared.

“Whether it was becoming a monster or the instability of the knowledge seal, I never harmed you guys intentionally. These are all things you’ve proven for me, Teest.”

Nol looked towards his cheerful neighbors. “So, rather than being suspicious, I prefer to believe that there was a compelling reason behind ‘me killing everyone’ in the past—even if I was a monster, I’d be a good one. At least for now, let me think that way.”

How interesting. Along the way, the more he walked, the crazier and yet more calm he became.

Even his last fear, the fear of controlling those he loved, was diluted by his mad lover—

“Believe me, you’re the best monster.”

Teest casually poured a glass of water, symbolically raising his glass. “As a witness, I definitely have the right to say this.”

Nol flicked his fingers, and silver cups with clear water appeared out of thin air. He was getting more proficient with the skill [Creator].

“You too.” Nol raised his cup, clinking it with Teest’s.

Painter was walking through the Black Forest.

The order to gather the Drifting Mercenary Group had been sent out, and he needed to head to the Lost Tower first to discuss terms with the person in charge there. Although he knew Nol wouldn’t really refuse him, the necessary politeness was still needed.

Paradise was quite generous. The reward for the last quest was quite substantial. Painter indulged himself a bit—he got a decent bottle of wine from the General, fresh white bread, and properly cured salt beef. Even though their flavors couldn’t compare to Paradise’s products, they were delicious enough for him.

They cost him two silver hooks!

Humming a tune, Painter stepped over the thick fallen leaves of the Black Forest. For the average adventurer, this forest was full of dangers, but for the former Pope, the outer ring of the Black Forest was almost like his own backyard.

No, maybe the Black Forest’s outer ring was better. Biting into bread with salted butter, Painter had no home, let alone a backyard—at least the Black Forest still existed.

He should reach the Lost Tower before dinner, likely to find delicious soup. Recently, the dog-headed beastmen moved in, so it’s probably going to be warm mutton soup.

The weather hadn’t warmed up yet. He needed this, preferably with plenty of pepper…

Painter suddenly stopped, sniffing the air.

The smell of blood.

Specifically, the stench of corrupted human blood with a filthy curse.

Judging from the scent, the blood’s owner should still be alive. But without timely intervention, this unfortunate soul wouldn’t last much longer. Painter swiftly packed up his unfinished bread and ran towards the source of the blood scent.

The closer he got, the more evident the magical fluctuations became. Painter frowned. Waiting for him ahead seemed to be an old acquaintance.


Seconds later, he found the unfortunate soul in a melted snow patch—Golden Sword Embilly Alva lay in the snow, surrounded by shattered gemstone artifacts. One of his eye sockets was empty, emitting a sweet, rotten smell.

The famous Golden Sword’s cheeks were hollow; his breathing was rapid and turned into thick white mist. From several meters away, Painter could feel the heat. Billy was undoubtedly feverish, and left alone like this, he was bound to die tonight.

Painter sighed.

He snapped his fingers, and the surrounding snow melted quickly. The mud beneath Billy turned green. The wet and cold ground rapidly transformed into a soft lawn. A light green magical barrier rose, warming the air inside.

Painter stopped next to Billy, mixing healing potions with sugar and heating them with the wine. Then he lifted Billy’s head and neck, slowly feeding him the warm and sweet wine.

During this process, he nearly stumbled from the curse emanating from Billy. Fortunately, he wasn’t intending to deal with it for now and just wanted to suppress this deadly fever.

Billy coughed a few times from the wine, slowly opening his eyes. His remaining smoky gray right eye was somewhat cloudy, filled with bloodshot.

“Godfrey.” He smiled weakly. “God, if this is my deathbed illusion, can I get a different one?”

“Call me Painter, sir. Your statement is saddening. It seems our relationship isn’t there yet.” Painter grinned.

“The famous Golden Sword, how did you fall so low as to be without even a healing artifact?”

Billy closed his eyes, gulping down the remaining wine. He wiped his mouth harshly; his lips were still cracked and bleeding. “Naturally, I used them all up. It’s a long story. But you, my friend, what are you doing in the Black Forest?”

Painter’s eyes shifted. “You know, the Drifting Mercenary Group always has some odd tasks. I show up in all sorts of odd places.”

“Indeed.” Billy slowly sat up.

“Anyway, thank you for the wine. I think it’s enough for me to speak the truth now—unfortunately, I seem to have concocted a rather difficult curse.”

“Oh?” Painter broke off half a piece of bread, handing it to Billy.

Billy gratefully accepted the bread. “I lost some memories before. You and I both know what that means. I’ve been trying to figure out if I was tampered with. In case I was, and it affects my family…”

“Understood.” Painter pretended to be unaware. “So you’re carrying a curse?”

“No, not at all.”

Billy laughed at himself. “In the process of trying to restore my memory, I lost it again, along with my left eye. Once is an accident, twice starts to get scary. As for this curse, it came when I tried to recover my memory again.”

He touched his empty eye socket. “Whoever did it, this time they were much harsher. I must find them, or I can’t return home in peace.”

“Oh.” Painter sighed. “Why didn’t you use the power of your conglomerate?”

Golden Sword was silent.

After a while, he spoke again. “It’s because I used the conglomerate’s power that I lost my eye—these days, you can’t trust anyone.”

Saying this, he chuckled lowly, his eyes filled with an indecipherable emotion.

“Even now, I don’t know if you’re a friend or foe, my friend.”

The author has something to say:

Early-stage Granny Meng: Hiss— (scaring with a ninety-degree face turn)

Mid-stage Granny Meng: Hiss— (going crazy with a ninety-degree face turn)

Current Granny Meng: …Young man, wait, you seem sicker than me.jpg

Nol: Can turn face 360 degrees √

Nol starts to communicate smoothly with a real mental patient. How much he’s grown!

This family lacks healthy sunshine (……) Teest dispersed.

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